15 Minutes of Infamy

The democrats love their agenda, known as lies and deceit.
Seeking fifteen minutes of infamy, ignominy sounds so sweet.
Caring not who is disparaged, or whom their policies hurt.
Objecters are tossed to the wayside, like a dog shaking off dirt.
It's their way or the highway, there can be no exceptions.
Truth is anathema to their lies, and their low expectations.
With their minds in the gutter, we can expect nothing less.
They will create a huge problem they will never address.
If there is blame to be taken, they will pass it right along.
In an agenda incorporating deceit, hypocrisy is strong.
Everything is a failure, could it be how they have planned.
If their agenda is all lies, why wouldn't the people be scammed.
Yet we're expected to agree to every new scam introduced.
Usually a policy meant to harm us, to see our lives reduced.
If their policy is an outright failure, they just double down
For dishonesty and chutzpah, Joe Biden wears the crown.
The policy's a success he says as our jaws drop to the floor.
While the seals are excitedly clapping for this publicity whore.
They've earned two years of infamy, led by this grand fool.
The ignominy will soon follow, that's the unspoken rule.
There will be no exposes, no specials on CNN or MSNBC.
Just glowing reports for success, for every failed policy.
This is how the democrats operate, only lies and deceit.
Lets hope the taste of their ignominy won't be so sweet.
D.L. Crockett -- 6/22/23