Biden Emboldened?

Biden feels emboldened, a strange thing for a coward.
He thinks he won something, so he feels empowered.
he hasn't won any mandate, he's still the same fool.
He's a compromised flunky, a Chicom useful tool.
He's coming after semi-automatics, pistols and rifles.
His agenda keeps changing, it's time he just stifles.
There isn't a made up crisis, he can let go to waste.
He's so in the Chinese pocket, he should feel disgraced.
His jaws though keep flapping, the gibberish flows.
Usually what he's yapping about, nobody knows.
He never knows where he is, can't recall what he's said.
It's all mumbo-jumbo after he loses his thread.
Is this America's future, is this crap here to stay.
 Bullied by morons you wouldn't give the time of day.
Elections have consequences, especially if stolen.
And we're stuck with an idiot whose head is swollen.
An empowered pervert, who thinks he's untouchable.
Who will be totally lost when someone bursts his bubble.
It's hard to believe such a fool is our fearless leader.
He looks so pale and anemic, he must be a bleeder.
Yet here he is on the tube, always portraying a fool.
This is the state of the nation under democrat rule.
D.L. Crockett -- 11/29/22