Message To The GOP

Placating democrats is a stupid thing republicans do.
Taking the high road, doesn't lead anywhere new.
Being nice gets you nowhere, bipartisanism's a dream.
I watch the GOP pandering and I want to scream.
Making deals with democrats, blows up in their face.
Making your opponents way easier, will not win the race.
Get down in the weeds, match them blow for blow.
Maybe you'll win instead of just place or show.
Play the game their way, vote in one solid block.
Don't give in to their deals, they're always a crock.
Don't be a Romney a Sass or a turncoat like Cheney.
Betraying your constituents does not make you brainy.
Democrats always vote together, they get things done.
The Gop hems and haws like they're totally spun.
They're more worried about Trump and MSM lies.
And their next campaign, as they do nothing, time flys.
The voters aren't stupid, well I guess some maybe are.
I voted twice for Romney, my stupidest voting by far.
I'm sick of GOP nice guys trying to please democrats.
They should always remember they are all DEMONRATS.
They're not here to please you, they toe their party's line.
Try representing your voters and things might be fine.
They really don't need the benefit of the GOP's doubt.
When you see them pandering, it's deceit they're about.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/12/22