Closer To Christmas

The Hackers are hacking, the slackers hang back.
The losers are provided with whatever they lack.
The crackers are racists, hating everything black.
Hunter hangs in the basement with hookers and crack.

The whiners keep whining, nothing is fine.
The poor and downtrodden are at the back of the line.
The Biden's eat free, the elites go out to dine.
I scrounge in the dumpster for what I might find.

The groomers are grooming, in every classroom.
Chucky and Nancy are eating Hallucinogenic shrooms.
Pelosi's flying round San Fran. on her broom.
Packing a hammer, in search of her groom.

Perverts are perverting, whatever they touch.
Searching for cripples, to kick off their crutch.
Whatever they do, they're never in dutch.
It's obvious the democrats don't care very much.

Fast talkers talk  gibberish, round the clock.
Everything the left promises is a guaranteed crock.
Everyone's wanting to get out of hock.
Biden is walking around like he's in toxic shock.

The worlds topsy-turvy, there aren't any rules.
Our democrat leaders are compromised ghouls.
Racists and marxists and anti-white tools.
The same kind of idiots that teach in our schools.

Fawners are fawning, over the King from Ukraine.
The praise is glowing, the fake tears how they rain.
Pelosi's enraptured, she busses his cheek.
At a loss for words, I wasn't able to speek.
D.L. Crockett -- 12/23/22