"We the People have something to say. "If you won't represent us, GET OUT OF THE WAY" We sent you to Washington, TO REPRESENT US. Not to stick knives in our backs, throwing us under the bus. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING? Get it together. We didn't elect you to change like the weather. Are you all Moot Romneys, are you TRAITOROUS FOOLS. Wanna be demonrat, backstabbing ghouls. You beg for our money, you promise the moon. Once you're elected it's the same self-serving tune. There's money trees everywhere, WE SEE YOUR GREED. You must garner a 1,000 times more than you need. There's special interest groups handing out cash. Lot's of filthy lucre to add to your mushrooming stash. Our tax dollars are being used to buy democrat votes. As long as you get a cut, it's WHATEVER FLOATS. McConnell is compromised, he does China's bidding. With a foot in his grave, does he think about quitting. He's addicted to power, he won't let it go. We can't let these fools go on running the show. We must send them a message, one they used to know. YOU REPRESENT US, WE DO NOT REPRESENT YOU. Your looting of the treasury soon will be through. Look over your shoulders, try regaining our trust. What you've done to America fills us with disgust. D.L. Crockett -- 1/6/23