Document Dumper

Joe hires lawyers to move a few boxes.
Boxes full of what? What sly, crafty foxes.
Looks like a cover-up, Joe's running scared.
He might know nothing, he's that impaired.
Satan looks out for Joe, covering his back.
He's got the brains Joe sorely lacks.
They give Joe excuses, Joe has to read.
Seeing Joe's statement made my eyes bleed.
He mentions documents, eleven in all.
Stacked on a shelf, no, a safe in the wall.
No, no, not a safe, a closet in the hall.
Watching Joe weaseling makes my skin crawl.
Next Joe's talking boxes, a whole closet full.
Muddying the waters, that can't be Joe's goal.
Obama was right about Joe screwing up.
It's hard to function with a near empty cup.
How many documents went to the shredder.
Or disappeared on the way, Joe should know better.
I'm Sure Joe's lawyers are smarter than Joe.
They've got more brains in their big toes.
Joe's backed into a corner, if only Joe knew.
The writing on the wall says maybe Joe's through.
Has Joe heard of blackmail, besides by the Chinese.
Does joe have other stashed documents besides these.
If not In for a penny, is Joe in for a pound.
How many secret files has Joe left laying around.
How many were lost, how many were found.
Whatever happens, it won't be a shock.
To see justice done when the left let's Joe walk.
D.L. Crockett -- 1/11/23