The Left has a game, it’s called vaccine roulette.
You get the shot, then you place your bet.
Will you survive, or will you succomb.
The only ones getting rich are heartless, leftist scum.
You take the chance, they rake in the dough.
Your odds are kept secret, you’ve no need to know.
Myocarditis, is one of the risks that you face.
The chances are small if that’s any solace.
Then there’s Asthma, and possibly liver disease.
Odds are you won’t get either of these.
If you do, try to prove it, you know they’ll deny.
The MSM will run cover and lie, lie and lie.
Your life could be ruined, but, why should they care.
Their goal is power, with you they won’t share.
They’ll mock you and cancel you, should you speak out.
If you should die, they might sing and shout.
I’m done with their lies, they now say, covid is flu.
They still claim we need another vaxx shot or two.
They can take the vaccine and stick it up their a*s.
From now on I think, I’ll be taking a pass.
D.L. Crockett — 5/8/22