Woke No More

I awakened one morning from a long senseless sleep.
I felt I had an appointment I needed to keep.
I realized this day was different, yet didn't know why.
The world looked different to my wide awake eyes.
Outside I felt the warmth of the new day's rising sun.
Being outside this early was something I'd never done.
The people looked happy, they had smiles for me.
There was a hustle and bustle, these people seemed free.
It seemed there was a purpose to these strangers lives.
I felt these folks did what was right and good to survive.
This was a side of life I'd never dreamed of or seen.
It dawned on me suddenly, this was the American dream.
What had I been doing, I did some long due self introspection.
I had been under the influence of some kind of infection.
The streets emptied as these folks started their day.
Shortly thereafter, the vermin came out to play.
What happened to you, I heard one of them ask
Did they get to you, have your eyes been unmasked.
I realized with a start, this creep had been my friend.
I realized that was a past, I could no longer defend.
In me something had changed, I now felt wide awake.
like a veil had lifted showing me a new path to take.
I felt I was finally seeing the forest through all the trees.
Knowing it was Divine intervention, I dropped to my knees.
I welcomed God back into my life and feeling his love.
I knew I'd been granted a reprieve from Heaven above.
I now know the truth: that being woke is a joke.
My life is wonderful without that democrat yoke.
D.L. Crockett -- 1/14/23