They! Who the Hell Are They?

Consumers are creatures of habit, we want what we want.
We don't want deluded a-holes and the agendas they flaunt.
My craw is my personal property, stick that up your butt.
I've no time for your bullsh*t, so keep your mouth shut.
I've had enough of your lies and your stupid pipedreams.
You're all bags of hot air, full of vote-buying schemes.
I don't pay my taxes for fools like you to fritter away.
This land is still our land so close the border today.
What is your reasoning for enabling this invasion.
I think it's because you're of the stupid persuasion.
You're too stupid to realize, the harm being done.
What if opiates or fentanyl kill your daughter or son.
Would that open your eyes, would you blame Joe Biden.
Would you see stupid policies only fools take pride in.
Probably not, you'd likely blame Donald Trump.
You'd make him the scapegoat because you're a chump.
You refuse to see reality, you prefer hearing the lies.
Death and destruction is what democrat ignorance buys.
No one really knows who democrats want to please.
They set traps for themselves baited with demonrat cheese.
I'll keep my eyes and ears open, I'll evade all their traps.
I'll thrive on the truth, I won't fall for democrat crap.
D.L. Crockett -- 1/20/23