More Lies to Spread

Ask some tough questions, quit tossing softballs.
Quit pandering to liars, get inside their skulls.
No one wants to know what brand of pudding Joe likes.
We want to know why he falls down with his bike.
Why won't Joe answer questions, why does he just walk away.
We want to hear Joe spewing his stupid thoughts every day.
He claims he's transparent, compared to what?
He's about as transparent as an aortal blood clot.
It's the job of the media to report the truth.
Not to be spreading Joe's lies from your broadcast booth.
Tell us the truth about covid, not government lies.
Tell us the actual numbers of those who "from" covid die.
Quit blaming republicans for everything democrats do.
Everyone on the planet knows what you report isn't true.
Get your facts right, we've had enough commie propaganda,
Quit propping up democrats and their stupid agenda.
Get your sh*t together, or get your BS off the air.
Quit playing like Pravda and be balanced and fair.
Nothing the left says or does can ever be trusted.
If telling lies was criminal, you would all be busted.

D.L. Crockett -- 1/29/23