New Democrat Base

Sissies and mama's boys, the new demonrat base.
Moralless monsters who want to spit in your face.
Their purpose in life is turning kids into queers.
These perverts elected to office is everyone's fear.
Haters of women they play women's sports.
They are often supported by pandering courts.
I'm told I'm spreading hate speech by telling the truth.
I want these perverts kept away from our youth.
Where are the real men hiding, they all can't be gay.
Is there one demonrat with balls and something to say.
Democrat women stay quiet and act like it's cool.
While it's their children being groomed in our schools.
Mention the "gay agenda" you're laughed at and mocked.
It's an abomination, a nightmare, true culture shock.
I remember Gays claiming that gays were born gay.
Now it seems that grooming is really their way.
How can we believe anyone whose life is a lie.
Who always claim to be victims, throw fits and cry.
I'm not talking about all gays just those with a cause.
To put America's morals and religion on pause.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/2/23