Liars Lie

How can it be a lie if even one fool believes it.
Is this what Biden thinks when spewing his bullsh*t?
The most dishonest man to ever win an election.
His mouth opens, he lies, sans self reflection.
He took his oath of office like it meant nothing at all.
He swore on the Bible while in Satan's thrall.
It's a talent Joe's cultivated throughout his career.
 Going to Hell is something Joe doesn't fear.
It's the "Mark of the Beast", I've said this before.
If your life is a lie, you become Satan's whore..
Joe can't help himself, he would lie to the Pope.
Joe's such a good Christian, it gives us all hope.
Children are taught to not be who they really are.
Groomed to accept their place in some drag queen bar.
When someone says "It's my truth" they're ready to lie.
The Truth is the truth, Everything else shouldn't fly.
Your soul is corrupted with every untruth you utter.
With every whispered slur no one hears you mutter.
God can hear everything, God knows your thoughts.
God can always recognize your schemes and your plots.
If you can't believe in yourself, you can't respect God.
If you're living a lie, be assured God knows you're a fraud.
You fit in perfectly with the democrat hypocrites.
A proud race-card carrying, two-faced stupit sh*t.
It's a hell of a lot worse, if you believe your own lies.
Well you believe you're in Hell after you die?
D.L. Crockett -- 2/17/23