Previewing the SOTU

Another "State of the Union", another litany of lies.
More mechanical clapping, no one knows why.
More fake standing ovations more people bored.
More pretty pictures of where we're headed toward.
More gaffes and pauses, by our commander in chief.
More policies announced that are sure to cause grief.
More hemming and hawing more issues avoided.
More promises of change aka how we're exploited.
More false pleas for unity, followed by words that divide.
More playing the race card, knocking white pride.
More pandering to pedophiles, dragqueens and queers.
More speaking of gibberish, more mongering fears.
More slandering MAGA, more dissing of Trump.
More democrat posturing kissing Joe's rump.
More lies about the border, how it's under control.
More virtue signaling from a man with no soul.
More taking credit for what he hasn't done.
More nonsense about how he's taking our guns.
More blaming the right for destroying democracy.
More glaring examples of the lefts constant hypocrisy.
A good time for napping, you won't hear anything new.
 Certainly the most boring speech anyone has sat through.
This is my prediction, Joe arrives in a dumptruck.
He's gonna spread lot's of BS the whole speech will suck.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/7/23