It’s a Pipedream Joe

What is Joe Biden Thinking when he says "All is well"
Is he happy putting America on the "Highway to Hell"
Is he happy depriving Americans of things we all need.
While pandering to the elites and their unquenchable greed.
What does he mean when saying, ''There's more work to do"
Is it possible he's talking about culling the demonrat zoo.
Could it be possible he doesn't speak for himself.
It's obvious Joe has no idea of his impaired mental health.
Could it be he's wanting to see more babies murdered.
Is Joe doing his damnedest to see Satan's goals furthered.
"More work to do" could he mean more child grooming.
 Seeing the ranks of his buddies the pedos, mushrooming.
When he claims he's a uniter, don't we all want to scream.
 No one  wants to join Joe in destroying the American dream.
When seen does he remind you of death warmed over.
Is Joe the biggest fool to be found from L.A. to Dover.
Is Joe really dumb enough to believe the world is warming.
That cow farts are good reason to destroy America's farming.
Could Joe see the truth if he pulled his head from his a*s.
Would he drop his New World Order and give us a pass.
I'm afraid it's a pipedream, he'll keep pushing dumb policy.
Joe is the source of "Junk Cognition" and unproven fallacy.
Why is it stuck in Joe's head that "We the People" are fools.
Joe shouldn't be President, he doesn't have the right tools.
No one wants to be living in a democrat "Fools Paradise"
Joe's commie pipedream for America will never suffice.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/12/23