Bring Back The Donald


Guess what, Joe isn’t joking, Brandon likes to say.
His grip on reality, will never lead him astray.
His hold on the real world, has been tenuous at best.
This flaw in his character, must be addressed.
His mind is a shambles, a sucking black hole.
His eyes have been covered with whole reams of wool.
He attacks the constitution he vowed to protect.
This mindless assault he should be forced to regret.
Lie after lie, he reads with clueless disregard.
We’re being led by a telepromptered retard.
Does Joe know what he’s reading, does he have a clue.
Is he his own master, Is his cabinet his crew.
I seriously doubt it, he controls nothing at all.
His mind turned to mush then leaked from his skull.
Yet he’s still paraded in front of us to lie every day.
He should be impeached, then sent on his way.
We need to get back to normal, back into the light.
What we need now is a sharp turn to the right.
We need someone honest, no career politician.
Not a feeble old fool, who’s dressed by a mortician.
Bring back the Donald, bring back honesty.
Return our birthright, the LAND OF THE FREE!
D.L. Crockett — 6/5/22