Rube on the Tube

Why did our feeble old fool make a surprise trip to Ukraine.
Does he like showing our enemies his malfunctioning brain.
When he trys to sound tough he comes off weak as hell.
Who is the idiot who thought such a dumb plan was swell.
The MSM is applauding, all the usual fake accolades.
Biden's the greatest, the bravest, talking in spades.
I'm sure Putin is watching, I'm sure he's gonna back off.
I'm sure he'll fall into line and won't once think to scoff.
 Putin only gets angrier, He's more determined than ever.
Biden panders and poses like his brain stem is severed.
It's like Brandon's resolved to start world war three.
He thinks he's the great liberator, how dumb can he be?
He threatens Putin, then feeling brave he warns the Chinese.
He's telling them he's the king and will do as he please.
The Chinese aren't worried, they see a pandering bore.
They know Joe's in their pocket, a compromised whore.
Biden's a weak kneed idiot whose bravado is phoney.
Biden's no statesman, he's a lying dog faced pony.
Biden trying to sound tough makes him look like a boob.
We see and hear the same stupid crap every day on the tube.
I've heard millions of intelligent folks call Biden a fool.
The spawn of the devil a self aggrandizing old ghoul.
I'm sure our enemies aren't afraid of what Biden might do.
If Biden pulls the nuclear trigger our world is through.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/22/23