Pride Goeth Before A Fall

Why is Black History so special to democrat slanderers.
Why is Black Entertainment loved by democrat panderers.
For the party of unity, it seems to be a great way to divide.
It kinda almost seems like they might be espousing black pride.
Do the democrats want segregation, a return to the past.
With their constantly sowing division, they'll get there fast.
They think we're all fools, that we don't know who they are.
We can't see it's racist democrat whites, driving this car.
A network called white entertainment would not be allowed.
Their race cards would be flying, white folks can't be proud.
The MSM would be screaming, fake tears would be spilled.
They'd be beside themselves as their faux outrage swelled.
They would attack The Donald, he'd be scapegoated again.
He'd be slandered and hounded by the masters of spin.
Grand Jury's would be formed with indictments promised.
Virtue signaling would be rampant, none of it honest.
BLM and Antifa's dander would rise, cities would burn.
They would trot out Joe Biden to show us his phony concern.
Law enforcement would be slandered, many would die.
People with functioning brains would be wondering, why?
What's wrong with these demonrats, are they high on pills?
Another chance for them, to make mountains from molehills.
Another fake crisis, more of their real motives to hide.
They're destroying America by instigating Black Pride.
Pride goeth before a fall, I think I've read that somewhere.
Things could be different if there were honest d-rats out there.
D.L. Crockett -- 2/24/23