The numbers are staggering, incompetence reigns.
The numbskull Joe Biden is holding the reins.
Four million illegals, have waltzed their way in.
Biden ignores the problem and stupidly grins.
The destruction of America is now in high gear.
If this crap isn’t stopped, our future is clear.
These fools think we’ll be happy with the great reset.
Happy with nothing, America drowning in debt.
Brandon is finally realizing, we think he sucks.
Now he’s getting mad, golly gee, what good luck.
I know of no one approving of a damn thing he’s done.
I think he’s America’s, number one hated son.
He’s out of his mind, he’s way out of his depth.
He looks like a zombie, like warmed over death.
He’s recklessly driving us down the highway to Hell.
How can twenty percent of us, think things are swell.
He’s backing us into a corner, wonders why we’re mad.
I’ve had enough of Brandon, He’s not my Dad.
He’s not our emperor, he sure as Hell isn’t our king.
He’s a puppet, a flunkie, for someone pulling his strings.
It’s more than clear to me, I know it’s not God.
It’s the biblical Adversary, the master of fraud.
The end times are approaching, they’re coming fast.
It’s all there in the scriptures, look to our past.
We’ll be happy with nothing, our situation is dire.
With a puppet in Washington, stoking Satan’s fire.
D.L. Crockett — 6/7/22