We’ve got the nonsense to fill your empty head.
Democrat talking points, for the woke, walking dead.
Wrapped up in pablum, any fool can believe.
With unattainable promises, meant to decieve.
We’ll pluck out your eyes and render you blind.
We must make sure, the truth you can’t ever find.
You’ll be “Joe’s Minions” spouting gobbledygook.
Straight out of the Marxist, insane audio-book.
We’ll pack you like sardines, into robot clown cars.
Heads filled with lies, to spread wide and far.
With lots of practice, your message becomes rote.
Convincing fools like you to get out and vote.
Your lifes will have value, that’s what you’ll think.
Passing out Commie kool-aid, for morons to drink.
You’ll be rewarded with lots of pats on the back.
With stars on your foreheads, for good demoquacks.
If this sounds good to you, call 666-WOKE.
Your life can have purpose, this is no joke.
D.L. Crockett — 6/10/22