
The Donald needs satisfaction, long overdue recompence.
For the lefts outrageous slander and untoward offence.
For their constant scapegoating, their ongoing persecution.
Trump is infuriated, no wander he demands and seeks retribution.
The cowards must pay for dragging his name through the dirt.
For their self righteous anger and the truth they pervert.
Compared to "The Donald" the left is nothing but petty.
With split personalities and palms clammy and sweaty.
Besides retribution Trump should demand reparations.
From the weasels who look down on him from high stations.
The assault on his presidency, the assault on his name.
All driven by ill perceived anger and jealousy of his fame.
Retribution for those who use their office for self serving agendas.
Actions detrimental to America, the results being horrendous.
Retribution for stolen elections for misused dogs and ponies.
By witch hunting demonrat committees peopled with phonies.
The Donald has a right to be furious, for wanting revenge.
The left knows justice is coming they have reason to cringe.
Like McArthur to the Philippines, The Donald will return.
The leftist scum will abscond leaving their bridges to burn.
After the demonrat scum has scampered back to the swamp.
The Donald will be sworn into office with much deserved pomp.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/8/23