No Means No

No statement of goals. no realities pondered.
No audits of Ukraine, has our aid been squandered.
No words to the wise, To whom does Joe speak.
These can't be Joe's actions, he seems far to weak.
No one is laughing, although Joe's such a joke.
Here comes World War III, Joe's going for broke.

No time for Americans, no thoughts of our needs.
No guilt for our suffering, as pocketbooks bleed.
No words meant to console, only words to divide.
This can't be America where such cowards hide.
The real tears we are crying for the Land of the Free.
Joe completely ignores, a truth he refuses to see.

No values to be admired, all morals eschewed.
No brakes on his actions, the whole world's screwed.
No heartfelt entreaties, only senseless demands.
No one is watching when this monster grandstands.
No one hears Joe's whispers or cares for his rants.
All we see is a pettifogger, wearing big boy pants.

No respect garnered, no wisdom to share.
No bringer of hope, Joe brings only despair.
No promises realized, no aspersions not cast.
The end of Joe's presidency cannot come to fast.
No one can deny our fearless leader's a fraud.
There's no reason on earth for anyone to applaud.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/11/23