Dumber Dumba**es

The dumba**es get dumber, tongues wag-wagging away.
Emulating Joe Biden, with absolutely nothing to say.
Yapping and squawking, making it up as they go.
Always trying to sound smart about things they don't know.
It's never enlightening, it might be good for a laugh.
Biden reads what's prepared for him by his stupida*s staff.
It's playing follow the leader by the deaf, dumb and blind.
Walking through fields the democrats forgot they had mined.
Always spouting their nonsense that blows up in their faces.
Their response is doubling down, then it's off to the races.
Stupid is as stupid does, we see the proof of this daily.
Celebrating their own asininity, they prance about gayly.
There's nothing of substance, nothing real about them.
These people try to act bright but the lights burning dem.
Their policies are destructive, you'd think they would care.
Remember these are the idiots who love purple hair.
They care about nada if it's not in their stupid world.
Only able to remember where their filthy lucre is squirreled.
These are the morons who think they're the one's in control.
Yet are too compromised to realize they've sold their souls.
Point their stupidity out to them, their go to reply is "Oh well"
as they're cluelessly marching down the highway to Hell.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/15/23