No Name Needed

Take your damn climate change , blow it straight up your a*s.
Would that create another crisis, one you cannot let pass.
I've read the Jan-6 report, you should try telling the truth.
I find it impossible to swallow, like Scotchless Vermouth.

I've heard enough of your pandering, your litany of lies.
Your impersonation of Chicken Little and his falling skies.
Instead of fear-mongering, take a long look in the mirror.
The scariest creep in the world will be sure to appear.

Take your damn teleprompter, ram it down your own craw.
It would be the most fitting thing that anyone ever saw.
We don't need your damn gibberish, or hear you utter nonsense.
We're sick of seeing a communist trying to straddle the fence.

Take your stupid hypocrisy, that crap doesn't work anymore.
Your reverse psychology only works on democrat whores.
What's with the dumb whispering, who do you try to impress.
It makes you look like more of an idiot,  we could care less.

Quit acting like you're innocent when you're guilty as hell.
Quit telling us your mind is healthy when you're mentally ill.
We don't want to hear you're not joking, when out to deceive.
Stop with the fake sympathy and fake tears when you grieve.

Take your promise of unity, pack it up your derriere.
It's just something you say, we know you don't care.
The whole world's laughing, you're the butt of the joke.
You're America's laughingstock, the king of the woke.

Stick your whole stinking agenda where the sun never shone.
Crawl back under your rock and leave our republic alone.
We've heard your damn message, it has never rung true.
Giving us back our White House is the best thing you could do.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/18/23
