Virtue signaling cowards, aka, rino republican scum.
Line up with democrats, to beat the gun control drum.
They represent no one, who gave them their vote.
Not up for reelection, hoping no one takes note.
Two more years of Romney, is too many for me.
The whole state of Utah and all of America agree.
Here he is once again, going against his constituents will.
Sucking up to the democrats on their stupid gun bill.
Lindsey Graham is another, rino suck-up-rat.
Thinking he’s winning votes cause he’s a cool cat.
He thinks he’s being bi-partisan, but folks will remember.
Thirty months from now at the start of November.
It’s time to clean house, all the rinos must go.
Democrats won’t vote for them, why don’t they know?
Republicans could, win back the senate this fall.
Without these damn rinos, despicable sell-outs all.
Two more years of Romney, then we boot him out.
He can return to Mass., as a rino hero, no doubt.
Send these rinos a message in two or four years.
Make it a message, future rino scumbags will hear.
You were elected by the right, not the anti-gun left.
Quit virtue signaling, or out of office be swept.
Democrats may be stupid but they’re not all fools.
They’re quick to recognize, rino, turncoat ghouls.
D.L. crockett — 6/14/22