Communist Virus

The schemers are plotting, they're up in the night.
With one goal in mind, destroying the right.
With  ideas mostly stupid, dimwitted at best.
 Befitting to no one, they're nothing but pests.
One plot after the other, they roll the crap out.
It's so damn obvious, what these fools are about.
They're after your dollars and your peace of mind.
Their hand's in your pocket, robbing you blind.
We are nothing to them, not worth their respect.
They act like a virus their only wish to infect.
We must guard our wallets, protect our backs.
Completely shut out these communist hacks.
If you have an itch, they are eager to scratch.
There is no evil plot they're unwilling to hatch.
We have a usurper, who thinks he's our King.
To him our laws are nothing but those pesky things.
The Constitution's ignored unless it benefits him.
It's meaning is flexible to satisfy commie whims.
Our religion is attacked our God is mocked.
Our freedom of speech is effectively blocked.
Our morals are ridiculed, elections are stolen.
They think we should be grateful and beholden.
These people are maggots, eating America's soul.
A new communist paradise their ultimate goal.
To that end laws are broken and anything goes.
Across the whole land their evil wind blows.
Times though can change, they certainly will.
This plague on humanity will be sent back to Hell.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/24/23