Good vs Evil

Trump is a truth-teller, that's no big surprise.
Like George Washington he cannot tell a lie.
Don't believe what the liars say about Trump.
Whatever happens they'll wind up the chump.
Trump is one step ahead of all of the fools.
Trump knows how to play he has the right tools.
Trump has the intelligence, the fools wish they had.
They suffer from TDS, it drives them all mad.
Not thinking things through they fall into Trump traps.
Then cry and complain about being bitch-slapped.
Trump rightfully crows, he holds the right cards.
He's the worst thing to happen to D-rat libtards.
 Dropping bombshell after bombshell all over the place.
The left is surprised when they blow up in their face.
It's a hard lesson to learn, they haven't learned yet.
Not with their obsessive compulsive TDS mindset.
Round and round and round the stupid shit goes.
Trump staying one step ahead of all of his foes.
The fools are scared silly, If not scared to death.
Trump is the man, you would think they're on meth.
Joe Biden is clueless, he hears Trump, he says "Who"
With a jackass like Biden, what the hell can they do.
There's no chance they'll succeed, They'll fail again.
In 2024, they'll be back at square one when Trump wins.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/24/23