Stupid smart people, or is it, smart people dumb.
If they’re democrats, it’s a great rule of thumb.
Fauci is smart but he’s dumb as all hell.
He lies to our faces, with absolutely no skill.
His lies are transparent, supposed truth bombs.
He claims, he is the science, he lies with aplomb.
Telling us to believe him, he’s mad if we don’t.
Truth would work better, his lies surely won’t.
He takes us for idiots, brainwashable fools.
Like the democrat base of convincible tools.
Brandon’s a smart parrot, good at parroting lies.
Who can’t answer truthfully when someone replies.
He never was smart, he was just, out to lunch Joe.
To us what is obvious, Joe is too stupid to know.
Nancy Pelosi is smart for a conniving old witch.
Always out to decieve us with a dumb sales pitch.
Lies no one is buying because we’re truly smart.
When we detect lies, we tear them apart.
Stupid Smart Idiots then jump into the fray.
The MSM trys to convince us the lies are okay.
Knowing the truth, they’re too stupid to tell it.
preferring a story so dumb, they can’t sell it.
Stupid Smart People, products of higher education.
Stupid heads swelled with pride and self-ego inflation.
D.L. Crockett — 6/18/22