Bottom of the Barrel

The bottom of the barrel has swam to the top.
It's an inborn invasion, that ain't gonna stop.
We have dumb politicians thinking anything goes.
You'll never catch these fools holding their nose.
The murder of babies means nothing to them.
Mother's can do it on any phony personal whim.
Planned Parenthood has an ocean of blood on their hands.
Every day we're faced with more insane, crazy demands.
We're expected to fund the destruction of decency.
Our DOJ has now become the Department of Clemency.
Justice is biased, Abrogated for anyone on the right.
Using perverse psychology, we're blamed for our plight.
Truth is constantly twisted, more lies are spun.
Half of the country refuses to see what's being done.
Entitlements are created in schemes to buy votes.
Eagerly accepted by young, greedy, never weaned shoats.
For decades the GOP watched this nightmare unfold.
Ignoring the mountains of lies the left successfully sold.
Now rinos sit on the fence, with thumbs up their butts.
Kowtowing to democrats, eagerly scratching demonrat nuts.
Whose lives are being destroyed while they look away.
Spouting moral platitudes that mean nothing today.
Represent your constituents or damn your a**es to Hell.
Satan laughs at your pandering, you've no souls to sell.
Too many fools are elected to do what they will not do.
This applies to republican rinos the whole stinking crew.
We're stuck with a system that works against us.
With a bunch of greedy elites taking turns driving the bus.
D.L. Crockett -- 3/30/23