Weapon of War

This is my pistol, this AR15 is my weapon of war.
They think I'm gonna use it to clear out dragqueen bars.
The Transgenders are disarming, staying up late at night.
For some reason they're thinking, they know how to fight.
They hate the the "NO GAY BILL" though it doesn't exist.
These self-loathing haters actually think they'd be missed.
Their thoughts are perverted, their motives are insane.
They're societies victims, is stuck in their immoral brains.
No one is born transgender, it's dreamed up in sick minds.
The truth is it's a misconception that life has room for all kinds.
These are the kind of fools that demonrat snakecharmers charm.
Thinking they can create nightmares, with their perverted pharma.
It sounds like a Hollywierd movie, a complete piece of crap.
With all the dragqueen stars wearing the same a**less chaps.
These transgenders have lost it, thinking too much of themselves.
Their brand of inclusivity shoud remain on the shelve.
No one is buying it except the pandering ghouls on the left.
Like the Mainstream Media in whose headlines they're kept.
The right presses onward with ineffectual oohs and aahs.
While this transgender nightmare is crammed down our craws.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/3/23