Left to our own devices, we’d be much better off.
I don’t want to drink at the left’s commie trough.
Quit feeding me your pap, or your tasteless kool-aid.
I don’t like the feeling that we’re being played.
Your hands in our pockets is making us mad.
Your plan for America is stupid and sad.
You are a laughingstock, the world laughs along.
You’re a weak puppet, we need someone strong.
Someone with a backbone, not some spineless chump.
We need a hero, no zero, we need Donald Trump.
Trump’s policies worked, You’re a disaster.
Why don’t you resign, put yourself out to pasture.
You’re being abandoned, the rats fleeing the ship.
It’s plain to everyone, you’re on some kind of trip.
Your ship of state is sinking, you’re not in control.
The devil’s your master, you’ve sold your soul.
You bought into his promises, to our detriment.
He’s got you by the shorthairs and he won’t relent.
You’re a simpering idiot, a bumbling buffoon.
A mentally compromised, communist goon.
Your whisper is assinine, your anger absurd.
You refuse to see everyone, flipping the bird.
Your ideas half-baked, your policies doomed to fail.
You’re a corrupt politician, you should be in jail.
D.L. Crockett — 6/21/22