A Peek Into the Future

Soon the veggies will gather for another convention.
 When they choose to reveal their true intentions.
The fruits will attend, turning over new leafs.
With weasels and jacka**es and plenty of thiefs.
The airwaves will forcefeed us the sickening show.
 Kamala will be sure to bore us, followed by Joe.
We'll see some fake tears and hear plenty of lies.
A 1,000 times we'll hear the GOP wants democracy to die.
They'll join hands in unity and sing Kum-Bah-Yah.
Leaving a taste of bile deep down in everyone's craw.
After every few words, we'll hear the audience cheer.
When the sign is held up telling them cheer don't jeer.
Biden will appear confused like he's ready to flee.
It's so entertaining, a grand illusion for all to see.
Donald Trump will be slandered in every speech.
Though he's not president, we'll hear calls to impeach.
The MSM will as usual paint a much rosier picture.
You can bet Joe will pander and misquote some scripture.
Alcolhol will flow freely, They'll smoke lots of weed.
We'll see stupid shenanigans that make our eyes bleed.
We'll hear them all call for unity and a return to the past.
It will be meaningless words, spoken way too fast.
When the show finally ends, we'll give thanks to God.
Resting assured the new nominee is still the same fraud.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/11/23