The Facade

Is the worm finally turning, have the folks had enough.
Have we seen through the facade of Joe acting tough.
Do we see Joe as the charlatan he displays every day.
Is the poser in chief, like a wicked with, melting away.
He seems to lose substance, something short in supply.
He looks pale and dehydrated, no more fake tears to cry.
His gaffes grow more numerous, his humor more caustic.
No one believes he's a Christian, more likely agnostic.
His pandering is unbearable, his motives unknown.
His message elicits nothing but well deserved groans.
Everyone should recognize this as elder abuse.
It's harming the country and cooking the democrat goose.
The cabal behind this charade should be rotting in Hell.
Instead of parading Joe in front of us like all is well.
His 15 minutes of fame has devolved into his shame.
He's not a lameduck president the whole show is lame.
We the people feel cheated, being treated like fools.
While the left mocks our intelligence and breaks all the rules.
Time honored means nothing with our history cast aside.
On the ashheap of time where our scruples have fried.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/13/23