My Wokeness

I was slipping into wokeness.
My mind was led astray.
I was cascading into wokeness.
The left taught me what to say.
I used to love good whiskey,
now I drink rotgut.
I'm slipping into wokeness,
you can kiss my skanky butt.
I'm drowning now in wokeness,
my mind is all but gone.
I'm surrounded now by wokeness,
How can I still go on.
My parents hate my wokeness,
they kicked me out the door.
No one likes my wokeness,
I'm called a marxist whore.
I can't awaken from my wokeness,
I sold my brainwashed soul.
I must pander to my wokeness,
and fulfill some a**holes goal.
Will death free me from my wokeness,
I bought a gun and soon I'll see.
Will death wake me from my wokeness.
If I awaken will I be unwoke and free.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/14/23