No Argument Here

Their faces are always unreadable, their minds are usually blank slates.
It's not wise to argue with idiots, you'll most likely lose the debate.
The things they say are way out there, they won't let you get in a word.
There are records of these discussions and the agony wise men endured.

Manuals written on the subject, might as well throw them away.
Before risking your soul and your sanity, quickly go on your way.
Arguing with a brick wall would be a more worthy endeavor.
Arguing with idiots is futile, the chance of your winning is never.

The argument breaks down defences, nothing will ever be gained.
Leave the fool to his thoughts, don't let him drive you insane.
The fool is the master of nonsense, do you want to be blithering too.
A wise man said, "he who argues with idiots, is nothing short of a fool"
D.L. Crockett 4/15/23