Truth to Power

The rules are rapidly changing, the law means nothing at all.
The left loves hearing, the rocks bounce around in their skulls.
Their morals are cast to the wayside, in favor of anything goes.
We're expected to give our respect to ignorant commie a-holes.

I refuse to be pressured, I will not condone what is wrong.
I will not be taken in by perfidy, I will not like a fool go along.
I will reject harmful agendas, I will not put my trust in a fool.
I will remain my own man, I won't be turned into a tool.

The left's agenda is always evolving, more assinine day by day.
They need us to stand silent, commonsense cannot get in their way.
We must acquiese to an idiot, we must quietly wait for our doom.
We must give up our children for transmental midgets to groom.

The left is the party of Satan, with no spiritual guide as their rudder.
Their morals and scruples are lacking, leaving their minds in the gutter.
They're lazy, shiftless and greedy, surviving on money from us.
We talk about changing the rules they raise a big stink and a fuss.

Everyone's sick of woke bulls**t, and fools who are scum of the earth.
They don't deserve a free ride, no government paid for free berth.
Changing the meanings of words, changing our history to lies
Telling us to shut up and accept, ugly gals masquerading as guys.

I've been awake my whole life, my dreams are never pipedreams.
I'm not a befuddled moron, buying into the democrats schemes.
I work and I set my own table, I don't thrive on government swill.
I speak to the truth and reality, unlike a "Woke" government shill.

My place in history is certain, a man who speaks truth to power.
I cannot let the left turn the present into America's darkest hour.
I will stand up and be heard, I refuse to sit down and be silent.
Not when I know in my heart, my thoughts and words are salient.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/16/23