Wagging the Donald

The Biden crime family, who woulda thought.
That a United States President could be sold or bought.
To some of us though, it's no big surprise,
That an A-hole like Biden has been compromised.
The proofs in the pudding, not in Joe Biden's denials.
Denying his involvement is really Joe's style.
It's no longer just 3 Bidens, there's 9 involved now.
 That made me sit up and exclaim "HOLY COW!"
How many more family crooks are really involved.
Will Hunter roll on his father, will the puzzle be solved.
Will the whole truth ever be brought to light.
Will Joe pay for his crimes, will things be set right.
Not likely with our biased Department of Justice.
With Merrick Garland who is biased and trustless.
Joe Biden will walk and Hunter Biden will roll.
There's no law against a**holes selling their souls.
As the evidence mounts the Bidens doubledown.
Even though their malfeasance is the talk of the town.
They're just free marketeers, it's the American way.
Use your office to collect filthy lucre, then walk away.
If asked if you're guilty, you smile and grin.
Then regale your accusers with Donald Trump spin.
It's called wagging the Donald aka Look over there.
If a crime's been committed, He's committed his share.
The Biden crime family gets a Deceitful reprieve.
Playing their Trump card, the one kept up their sleeves.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/18/23