When did our world become, the land of Bizarro.
A place where we’re talked down to by Ana Navarro.
A marxist sympathizer from communist Nicaragua.
Now she’s on CNN, spewing her claptrap and dogma.
She’s nothing but ignorance, put on display.
To influence other idiots into going astray.
Stupidity is celebrated, hypocrisy reigns.
Our leaders in Washington have compromised brains.
They’re affronts to reality, with manifestos to pound.
They’re running this country right into the ground.
The most radical senator, is Elizabeth Warren.
It’s to bad her mother was fertile, not barren.
She’s bitc*ing, she’s whining, ignorance is her play.
She’s into packing the court so she gets her way.
If she’d just shut her mouth, we’d be better off.
The Constitution means nothing, she openly scoffs.
They both egg on these losers, scum of the earth.
Whack-jobs and perverts, who have no self worth.
Where do they come from, from under which rocks.
Probably been exposed to mind-numbing toxic shock.
With rings in their noses, and studs in their lips.
Fat, ugly nothings, on self-serving, murderous trips.
If this is their base, the democrats must be proud.
The same old useful idiots, the same yapping crowd.
D.L. Crockett — 6/28/22