“We want piles of dismembered babies” democrats scream.
It’s part of our heritage, part of our American dream.
Suck them from the wombs of our murderous mothers.
Do the same to all of their possible, sisters and brothers.
Put abortion clinics in Disneyland, just for unwanted kids.
For after-birth abortions, we could weaponize S.I.D.S.
Abortion is our birthright, not so much for the babies.
The Supreme Court has dissed us, no if, ands or maybes.
Get out the vacuums, suck that unwanted life out.
Then climb on the rooftop and you joyfully shout.
Show us how proud you are, let everyone know.
Go out, get pregnant again, put on a good show.
Go on an abortion vacation, with Amazon footing the bill.
You’ll have money left over for an abortion party as well.
A party to celebrate the death of your progeny.
Demonstrating how cold hearted, you’re willing to be.
Your self-centered actions, of which you’re so proud.
Make you a murderer, go shout that out loud.
Your soul should be hurting, do you even have one.
I’d say your humanity, has sold out and moved on.
Ask your Doc for a piece of your dismembered baby.
Make a lucky babies foot, you’re one plucky lady.
D.L. Crockett — 6/28/22