The Evil Gods

 No other gods before me, we've strayed a long way from that.
There's an array of demigods, parading as demonrats.
Evil is back with a vengeance, the ancient gods have returned.
Mankind will suffer because the lesson is never learned.
Abortion is the sacrifice of children to appease evil God's.
The same demon's cast down with the Master of Fraud.
The forces of darkness run rampant, searching for buyable souls.
Burrowing under, destroying societies like demonized moles.
The machines absorb minds, turn our minds from the past.
 Young minds turn from the Bible, becoming immoral outcasts.
We hold our doom in our hands, not aware of the danger.
We let our kids be endarkened by evil unvetted strangers.
The gods are the same, they are here to pull us off the path.
The Bible is full of scriptures of God in Heaven reacting in wrath.
Ishtar the goddess of the rainbow and pride parades.
Goddess of transforming genders, and dragqueen charades.
Ishtar aka the Queen of the Universe, the goddess of porn.
Moloch the god of sacrifices loves the death of the unborn.
We are in the ancient battle with evil, a war against God.
Satan's demons are loosed and again are running rough shod.
As the light grows brighter, the evil shadows grow more defined.
The plague of demons stands out, so much easier to find.
Their purpose is chaos and disorder, a thirst for our doom.
Separating us from the Light to suffer in eternal gloom.
D.L. Crockett 4/22/23