Nancy’s not dumb, she’s stupid as hell.
A vicious old harpy, whose instinct is, kill.
Kill all the babies, while inside the womb.
Turn that nurturing space, into their tomb.
What’s that about “THE WORD” is your favorite word.
That’s just a mockery, you’re so absurd.
It’s time you retire, fly back out to the west.
It’s time you give us a much needed rest.
Pig out eating ice cream, rest your old bones.
Spare us your antics, we’re fresh out of groans.
Go get your hair done, get out of ours.
Give us a reason to thank our lucky stars.
There’s way too much damage, you can still do.
Devote your time to another facelift or two.
Visit your dentist, get them old choppers fixed.
You look like a zombie, coming out of the mist.
15 minutes of fame, you had more than your share.
30 years of infamy, you’ve spent, sowing despair.
Go write your memoirs, one more crappy book.
You’d be lucky if anyone, gives it a look.
Go on the view, those witches will still kiss your ass.
Whoopi and Joy will give you a pass.
D.L. Crockett — 6/28/22