Not Only Braindead

It goes without saying, that nothing was said.
 More outright lies, meaning more fools were misled.
Fools like the speaker, who doesn't know right from wrong.
Whose power of discernment is pretty much gone.
You might see some drool spilling from their lips.
As they foolishly laugh at his assinine quips.
Crap like  "don't jump" or " not a joke, not a joke"
Or praise for some moron who said something woke.
It's always the same drivel, the same gibberish.
The same nonsense, the same sick twisted wish.
Folks not wearing blinders see something's amiss.
They're not oohing and aahing in ignorant bliss.
They see the truth, they see a man in decline.
With a compromised brain, that isn't benign.
It's a threat to america, an advantage to our foes.
Our fearless leader doesn't know what he knows.
He reads what they hand him, or should I say "tries"
With his level of disfunction, it's no big surprise.
He loves talking to children, they're not judgemental.
They're mostly frightened, they see him as mental.
His mind is sunsetting, it's not coming back.
If you look closely, his jaw now hangs slack.
He's a puppet of demons, he's not his own master.
Without a moral rudder he's a walking disaster.
He shuffles in circles, he leads a foolish parade.
Anyone who's aware, sees through the charade.
It's too bad we all suffer, although some don't know.
They're just blithering idiots, caught up in the show.
Those behind this deception are nothing but slime.
Deceiving the american people should be a crime.
Yet here's fearless leader in our face every day.
Imbued with the impression he's not going away.
He wants a second term, that idea should be quashed.
He's not only braindead, he's also brainwashed.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/28/23