Money Walks

Let's ban all political donations, let people run on their merits.
No more massive donations from weasels and moneybags ferrets.
No more buying candidates who will be obliged or bought off.
Let everyone drink from the same empty moneyless trough.
We don't need the mega rich putting up billions of dollars.
We need more candidates who are wearing blue collars.
Why not have an election network with free access for all.
Anyone who has something to offer has the same message wall.
A rich person, a poor person, everyone has the same voice.
Everyone has a state or federal platform and we make our choice.
We don't need a Soros or a damn Suckaturd or political machines.
We need candidates on level fields selling us "THEIR" dreams.
No more network bias that favors one person over another.
The playing field would be level no advantage over each other.
It's time for the people to decide, not money paid off selections.
Money is the cause of all evil and and all compromised elections.
If money is out of the picture, it's more likely truth will prevail.
With the people making the decisions money has no coattails.
D.L. Crockett -- 4/30/23