Answer The Call

What if there was a call to arms, and nobody answered.
Without American patriots, our republic is cancered.
Full of those who want everything but give nothing back.
Those who would succor our enemies if they attack.
Those who rewrite our constitution to their own benefit.
Who snuff the lifes of the unborn and care not a whit.
Would you fight for the losers destroying your dreams.
Who ignore the death of innocence, and tortured screams.

What if America was founded on a covenant we no longer honor.
Would our downfall be our fault, would we deserve our dishonor.
Would we deserve any punishment our God would hand out.
Or would we revel in our ingnorance, and thrive in our doubt.
The answer should be simple, we should sit up and take note.
God has a plan for us and we have been rocking the boat.
Are we so sure of ourselves, so full of false pride.
Are the many lessons out of the Bible so easily denied.

What if the apocolypse came upon our world today.
Would you suddenly in your fear, recall how to pray.
Would you drop to your knees, belatedly demanding God's grace.
Would you plead for forgiveness, in your need to save face.
Would you fear for your salvation, would you realize your neglect.
Would you suddenly have a need for your own self-respect.
Would you cast out the demons infecting your soul.
Would you realize that without God you can never be whole.

Would you sacrifice your life in renewed service to God.
Or continue chasing riches proffered by the master of fraud.
What if Paradise was offered, and no one accepted.
What if God became an idea that was no longer respected.
If that were to happen would God withdraw his plan.
In his wrath would our world be destroyed to the last man.
If the clarion sounds, I will be first to answer God's call.
I will honor my covenant, I will not falter, I will not fall.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/2/23