
They couldn't get any dumber, boy we're so wrong.
Biden's health is obviously failing, but he's going strong.
Our eyes don't deceive us, we see Joe's decline.
We can see for ourselves, everything isn't fine.
There's a rot in the system, from the top to the bottom.
We see how America is transforming into the new Sodom.
We see harmful policies, ballyhooed by leftist fools.
We see the perversion spreading in our schools.
We see the coverups of obvious transgender crimes.
The support now for pedophiles, these are sick times.
Pedophilia is now a disease, they deserve disability.
They deserve pity and support and lots of our charity.
If they're raping children they deserve to be shot.
That's my go to position, kill them when caught.
It goes along with abortion, the left doesn't care.
Why protect children, get them out of our hair.
Protect all the perverts, give them our tax-dollars
 They should get squat but electric shock collars.
Why do leftists support this transgender travesty.
This outlandish deception, outrageous sophistry.
What is the purpose of protecting transgender killers.
They aren't the most endearing girls or fellers.
We've let down our guard, we've been overrun.
We're now starting to see the damage they've done.
These people are twisted, they are mentally ill.
With the left on their bandwagon, they're all going to Hell.
Let them go and good riddance, we must protect kids.
It's a societal disgrace of which we must be rid.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/5/23
