Sinking into darkness, grasping for straws.
Breaking all the rules, imposing bad laws.
Mocking the truth, spreading the lies.
Stealing our money, for pipedreams it buys.
Nothing seems real, the futures not clear.
81? million voters, got a bum steer.
The temperatures rising, so is our ire.
Their only concern is fanning the fire.
What’s good for us, is what’s good for them.
Government by elites, through fiat or whim.
Food prices keep rising, cupboards are bare.
What can one do, with no cash to spare.
Reach in your pocket, nothing but dust,
Can you bake a pie, no filling, just crust.
My cars in the driveway, saving me money.
No, I’m not joking, no, it’s not funny.
Who’s nightmare is this, who’s the dreamweaver.
There’ evil in Washington, a great deceiver.
Relegated as peons, we’ll be pushed around.
Sent to the gulags, for making a sound.
It’s a sad situation, a disheartening scene.
Caught in the path of a d-rat wrecking machine.
D.L. Crockett — 6/30/22