Is There Anything Worse

Is there anything worse than a fool with a plan.
Like the quickest way to abandon Afghanistan.
Or sinking tax dollars into an unwinnable war.
Or pandering to minorities to fill a clown car.
Maybe "green new deals" and "new world orders"
Or perhaps the worst of all is wide open borders.

Is there anything worse, than fools passing laws.
Fools bereft of all morals with too many flaws.
Fools whose thirst for power is matched by their greed.
Who care about nothing but filling their needs.
Passing laws without thinking or allowing debate.
Stealing our tax dollars, filling their own plates.

Is there anything worse than a corrupt MSM.
Reporting fake news the real news is too grim.
No one is watching, they have nothing to say
The main stream charlatans have had their heyday.
They report only lies, their broadcasts are muck.
They're paid astronomical wages, their interviews suck.

There's nothing worse than compromised brains.
Chanting and sreaming the same stupid refrains.
Burning and looting, the same gang of racists.
Claiming they're all victims of right-wing fascists.
Voting for idiots, openly paid for their votes.
 The commie house crumbles, they're the scapegoats.

Is there anything worse than transgender parasites.
Brainwashing young kids into pink hose and tites.
Or giving child molesters their praise and support.
Giving them slaps on the wrist, on their day in court.
Whining and boobing trying to force us to care.
When they have no values, only obscenity to share.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/9/23