Each Day

Each day we hear how the situation's growing more dire.
Each day we see Joe Biden's feet aren't held to the fire.
Are we not grown-ups, supposedly an educated society.
Why can't the left see, ours is not unfounded anxiety.
Biden appoints accomplished liars to lie to our faces.
When challenged on lies they go to dividing the races.
An open border is dangerous a cause of unending grief.
Mayorkas looks at us haughtily and lies through his teeth.

Each day the lying intensifies, as the left doubles down.
Washington's most incompetent jester usurped his crown.
Elections are outright being stolen in one way or another.
This administration loves pitting brother against brother.
A giant deception is unfolding before everyone's eyes.
Joe Biden isn't in charge of anything, no big surprise.
There's someone behind Joe, that is doing these things.
It's time that they were exposed and we clip their wings.

Each day more oaths are dishonored by unscruplous men.
As the country is regaled with more evil obnoxious spin.
It's a fight between godfearing folks and the master of fraud.
We are the backbone of America and will not be downtrod.
Be they puppets of Satan or China, it's one and the same.
They both serve the same purpose, the same ancient game.
These could be the end times, if we don't make our stand.
We must make our voices heard, and state our demands.

Each day the left pushes us further , they think into a corner.
We're patriotic Americans, not complacent Little Jack Horner.
Sitting on the sidelines scarfing down government humble pie.
We don't smile like idiots saying, "what a good citizen am I.
We want our lifes back, food on our shelves, gas in our tanks.
We won't kowtow to despoilers undeserving of our thanks.
We're proud to be Americans, we love this great country.
We will not be subjected to this leftist forced tyranny.
 Shove your commie pipedreams, where the sun don't shine.
It's time for a change, you've crossed too many damn lines.
So buckle up Joey, It's time you take a much deserved ride.
Straight back to your swamp, where you can continue to hide.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/14/23

Like potato bugs they curl up into an untouchable shell.
That will deflect comments that reflect on their skill.
