Come One, Come All

Come to America, We've left open the door.
We''ll give you free money and so much more.
Bring your aunties and uncles, cousins and friends.
Plus anything drug cartels are willing to send.
Grab some kids on your way, sell them for sex.
Joe Biden has truckloads of government checks.
Is it an illegal invasion, it is, sure as hell.
The left doesn't care, everything will be swell.
When you arrive , say something strange.
Like you're fleeing persecution or climate change.
You're neighbors are mean, someone kicked your dog.
You feel oppressed, there's too much fog.
Then ask for asylum, it's a magical word.
Any reason is fine, no matter how absurd. 
You'll be handed some cash, a Joe Biden phone.
You'll be bussed or flown to your new home.
You're in like flynn, carrying cartel drugs.
The border patrol will look away and shrug.
You'll be given a date to appear in court.
Don't worry about appearing, Joe's a good sport.
You're draining our treasury, nobody cares.
As long as you're getting your fair share.
You'll get free housing, free food, free meds.
If you're diseased, you get free hospital beds.
If someone complains, call them all racists.
We'll pay for protestors to get in our faces.
Welcome to the land of free milk and honey.
And a never ending supply of taxpayer money.
 Work under the table, the IRS looks away.
Don't worry about it, only citizens pay.
If you commit a crime and you're deported.
Come right on back, you'll still be supported.
Come one come all, destroy our dreams.
nothing  else matters but communist schemes.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/15/23
