The Durham Report

The Durham report is reported, whoopty damn do.
All it does is tell us, what we already knew.
Of course Trump is innocent, the left, guilty as hell.
The MSM won't report it and all will be well.
Hillary will downplay it, perhaps double down.
Call it a new conspiracy, Trump's spreading around.
Another Russian conspiracy, involving John Durham.
She'll claim he's in cahoots with Putin's Kremlin.
 The Hag will walk, that much we know.
It will be on with another dog and pony show.
The FBI of course will deny any involvement.
They should lose all funding, be declared insolvent.
The crap's hit the fan, the Hag's a*s is covered.
It's on with the deception, the truth gets smothered.
The perscution of Trump will surely continue.
For 7 long years he's been the democrats menu.
Mark my words, Durham's report is ignored.
Nothing to see there, they're already bored.
The House will have Durham on, no one will watch.
The MSM would rather chase down a sasquatch.
In a week, the Durham report is swept under the rug.
The left will smear Durham as a Donald trump thug.
Joe Biden will grin, and lie through his teeth.
Then go find a big rock he can hide beneath.
The FBI will press on, with their communist dreams.
Ignoring our outrage, it's on with their schemes.
Hillary will reward herself with another face lift.
And closer to destruction the country will drift.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/16/23
