Woe is Us

His synapses were misfiring, it was a comical sight.
He was clenching his buttocks, squeezing them tight.
His eyes crossed and uncrossed, rolling up in his head.
He mumbled incoherently, someone fetch my meds.
He should be home recuperating. not in the senate.
The job would be better for Oz, I mean Mr. Mehmet.

He clings to his seat, he's become a national bummer.
You can be sure he can't tell if it's winter or summer.
The left loves these bozos with compromised brains.
They'll keep them on as long as a spark of life remains.
They'll put a pen in his hand, tell him where to sign.
Tell him the malignant tumor he's got is benign.
The same thing with feinstein, she can scribble her name.
She's made 33 years out of her fifteen minutes of fame.
With her though the longer she's there, the better we'll be.
Newsom would appoint Adam Schiff and a schiff storm we'd see.
Hang in there Mrs. Feinstein, You're much better than Schiff.
The day you retire we're much closer to going over the cliff.

If not afflicted with dementia, they suffer from outright stupidity.
McConnell suffers from both, a form of demented rino lucidity.
Who's next in line for president, it's the idiot Kamala Harris.
A true moron in the Whitehouse, that should really scare us.
The stupid witch from the west hot on Joe Biden's coattails.
If Joe wins then retires, straight into office, cackling she sails.

It would seem that America is between a rock and a hard place.
If we don't fix these problems, America will surely lose face.
We'll have four more long years that we might not survive.
The left's destructive agenda, will be put into overdrive.
Only If we take back the senate and hopefully keep the house.
And if Donald Trump wins, the fire can likely be doused.
D.L. Crockett -- 5/18/23